Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Kendra Heim Silhouettes


  1. I love the variation of the women's silhouettes, particularly the playfulness of the skirts. I can imagine their Mother as the first one on the top.

  2. I like how you've included the staff. I think that could be a super interesting prop to personify the character and I'd almost like to see more in the bottom sketches!

  3. I like how you've included the staff. I think that could be a super interesting prop to personify the character and I'd almost like to see more in the bottom sketches!

  4. Good variety of exploration. See if you can aim for proportions that err on the side of smaller heads and larger or taller bodies. A lot of times we have a tendency to make heads too large because we subconsciously give faces more attention than the rest of the body. But that suggests a cartoon style, or juvenile proportions—which may be ok for young characters like Luet or maybe even Nafai. Also pay attention to the aesthetics of the shapes. Contrast larger shapes with smaller ones. See if you can clarify the silhouettes more. Remember the negative shapes are as important as the positive shapes.
