Sunday, November 1, 2015

Kendra Heim_Creatures!

 This is my camel. I wanted him to be awkward, so he can't run. He's pretty helpless, but his powerful front paws are used to crack open cactus-like plants that he drinks from with his long tongue.

This is Gaballufix's pet. Basically, it's his muscle.


  1. Fun shape design! I like the anteater qualities of your camel creature. I wonder if there's a way you can make the stripes on your Gaballufix creature more consistent. Maybe bring those stripes into his mane? Overall, I like the intimidation in his pose and his large shoulders and back shapes. Good stuff.

  2. That red is popping! I really like it, in fact I think it would be great to either see more of the red, or see some transition in the amount of saturation between the red fur and the brown fur.

  3. The weight distribution is nice, I think it would be cool if the stripes on the tail bled into his arms and legs as well

  4. I like Gababababdoo's pet a lot, very hyena/lion!! I agree with Stacy that it would be nice to see that striping somewhere else, and I'd love to see just the slightest more indication of his eyes. :)

  5. I love the weight on the pet's design. I like that his front legs are larger than the back, but I'd emphasize it even more. I like the way his mane falls down his back and front. I think the tail seems a little off. Why would this creature need a large fluffy tail? It almost seems too cute for him. I'd also like to be able to see his eyes. And I agree that some more stripes might be nice.
